Further Locations

The Faculty has further institutes and facilities at various locations in North Hanover:

Science education and the food sciences are based in the former school at Am Kleinen Felde. Geobotany and the Institute of Innovation Research, Technology Management & Entrepreneurship are to be found in Nienburger Straße, where the park lodge of the Herrenhäuser Gärten used to be.

Faculty management, the Dean’s Office, the Dean of Studies’ Office and the Doctoral Students' Office are in Appelstraße, close to all the sites.

The Faculty has further institutes and facilities at various locations in North Hanover:

Science education and the food sciences are based in the former school at Am Kleinen Felde. Geobotany and the Institute of Innovation Research, Technology Management & Entrepreneurship are to be found in Nienburger Straße, where the park lodge of the Herrenhäuser Gärten used to be.

Faculty management, the Dean’s Office, the Dean of Studies’ Office and the Doctoral Students' Office are in Appelstraße, close to all the sites.

Institutes and Facilities

Lecture halls and rooms
Booking request
Rooms and lecture halls at Leibniz University

Am Kleinen Felde 30, Building 2705
Former School

How to get here: Take the no. 6 or no. 11 tram to the stop at “Kopernikusstraße”. Busses no. 100 and 200 also stop at “Kopernikusstraße”. From there, turn into the street “An der Lutherkirche”. The next street on the left is called “Am Kleinen Felde”.

Nienburger Straße 17, Building 3201
Former park lodge

Take the no. 4 or no. 5 tram to the stop at Appelstraße. The Institute of Geobotany is opposite the stop.

Appelstraße 11a, Building 3403
Faculty Management

Take the no. 4 or no. 5 tram to the stop at Appelstraße. From there walk along Appelstraße until you come to block 3403. The Dean’s Office is on the left, the Dean of Studies’ Office and the Doctoral Students' Office are on the right on the ground floor.

Cartographic Processing: Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics; ATKIS-Basis-DLM provided by LGLN-Landesvermessung + Geobasisinformation, Hannover; www.lgln.niedersachsen.de