Best student poster award
At the annual conference of the German Society of Horticultural Science (Deutsche Gartenbauwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e. V / DGG) and the Federal German Association of University Graduates in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture (Bundesverband der Hochschulabsolventen / Ingenieure Gartenbau und Landschaftsarchitektur e. V. / BHGL), which took place in Osnabrück in March 2023, the prize for the best student poster went to Annina Marxen: she presented the results of her Master's thesis, which she executed at the Institute of Horticultural Production Systems under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Traud Winkelmann and David Wamhoff. She examined thin sections of rose cuttings to describe early cellular events during rooting and to explain genotypic differences.
Her supervisor Professor Traud Winkelmann is pleased with her: “AnninaMarxen has achieved a nice success with her first poster at a conference. Congratulations on this very good work!” Meanwhile, Ms Marxen has successfully defended her Master's thesis and will continue to enrich the research group Woody Plant and Propagation Physiology as a doctoral student.