The future of interdisciplinary and international science and support to young scientists
Am 27. September 2021 werden am Niedersächsischen Zentrum für Biomedizintechnik, Implantatforschung und Entwicklung (NIFE) verschiedene Vorträge zur Zukunft der Wissenschaft präsentiert:
Prof. Dr. Andrea Hoffmann
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH)
NIFE: The concept and realization of interdisziplinary work on medical implants
Dr. Cornelia Goesmann
Gesellschaft der Freunde der MHH
Supporting science and young scientists
Prof Dr. Anthony D. Whetton
Director of Stoller Biomarker Discovery Centre, University of Manchester
Combining artifical intelligence and proteomics to accelerate biomarker discovery
Prof. Tadashi Yamamoto
Dean of Research, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
The OIST concept
Prof. Dr. Reinhold E. Schmidt
Dean of HBRS
Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS) for education of young scientists
27. Sep. 202115:00 - 18:00