Faculty of Natural Sciences Faculty News and events
Citizen Sciences – Creating Knowledge Together: Citizen Research and Participation
04 May
04. May. 2023 06. Jul. 2023
Lecture series | LUH

Citizen Sciences – Creating Knowledge Together: Citizen Research and Participation

What new possibilities can be opened up for science and society through citizen science? Are “leisure research” and the co-production of knowledge more than a trend and a (socio-)political pipe dream? Do we need more knowledgeable citizens who actively participate in science in order to meet the challenges of the future? 

Researchers at Leibniz University will be addressing these questions on these dates – and invite you to join in the conversation:

4. MAI 2023 Citizen Science: Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen? Einführung in die Ringvorlesung
11. MAI 2023 Medien & Sprache
25. MAI 2023 Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität
8. JUNI 2023 Geschichte
22. JUNI 2023 Stadtplanung
6. JULI 2023 Citizen Science: Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen!

On Thursday 22 June 2023 | 6.30 PM
Prof. Dr. Nadja Kabisch from the Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology will be speaking.
Berlin: Emotional kartiert. Das Projekt „Deine emotionale Stadt“

All info on the lecture series

The lecture series is jointly organized by Prof. Dr. Till Bruckermann from the Institute of Educational Science, Mechtild Freiin von Münchhausen from the Communication and Marketing unit and Thomas Bertram from the Guest Lecturers Office.


04. May. 2023 06. Jul. 2023


Hauptgebäude der Leibniz Universität Hannover
Room: B305
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover